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Outdoor Gear
Bear Mountain Private label and Name brands
Our goal at Bear Mountain Outfitters is to simply provide our customers with high quality gear at affordable prices. We design and test our private label products to perform in the extreme conditions of Alaska. Our name brand products have been hand selected based on value and reputation.
Highfield Marine
Performance and strength have always been at Highfield’s core. The brand has focused on these two key values above anything else. Highfield’s hulls are dry-riding, very seaworthy and always over-built. Their reputation for durability is now world-renowned. The heavy-duty approach to design and build allows leisure and commercial owners to have the confidence needed to go that extra mile and to tackle conditions avoided by many others.
Bear Mountain Outfitters private label gear
Bear Mountain takes pride in offering products that we design and test in Alaska for Alaskans.
Jet Turbo America
Very cool little jet motors
Bear Mountain Firearms, LLC
Our firearms company specializes in custom rifles and NFA items for hunting and tactical purposes. We have access to most popular brands along with the hard to get products. We are happy to help you setup a trust and answer any questions you may have about the process.
Field Optics Research
Vince and team make great products that are affordable. I've been working with these guys developing new product designs for a couple years now. My customers have used these tripods to make ethical shots than normally aren't possible. The modular designs and flexibility is way I chose to run them myself. Paired with a gun pod there's not much you can't do. Between me and my customers we have taken coyotes, moose, sheep and a couple bison...furthest shot 875 yds. These tripods can be so critical to making a hunt successful that guides are now carrying them for their clients. We carry most models and are happy to help you pick out the right solution for your application.